Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Thinking About "Week 3"

The Story of "Week 3"

1.) Thankfully the start of our third week began with a nice break, thanks to Labor Day. We got to another one of the professor's unique and insightful videos and "thought" about theme. We read The Red Convertible and The Story of an Hour, both of which I did not fully understand until I was able to view others' posts on the stories. We continued our Wednesday class with the addition of our third discussion forum and were also notified of our first paper assignment; I couldn't complain.

2.) I learned that Labor Day couldn't have come at a worse time - I could've really used that Monday off THIS week! I also learned a great deal about theme and how terribly bad I am at finding it. Listening to others' reactions and seeing others' replies to the stories was nice because it not only helped me figure out the themes of the stories but also gave me an idea of how to determine future themes. One key thing I learned during this week included the discovery that starting papers early and picking the assignment we like most (as opposed to the one we think is easiest) helps in creating a much more stress-free and quality paper.

3.) I feel that although I did not quite learn how to be a theme-finding expert I at least got more knowledge on the subject than I had to start with. I am definately going to be able (and need) to take the things I learned on theme from this class for my future courses and reading adventures. It was never something I really gave thought to in literature until I was more exposed to it in LIT 2000. I remember after learning the basic theme and idea around The Red Convertible feeling like I had lost my brain cells. The theme seemed so obvious once it had been pointed out to me! The Story of an Hour was not quite as elusive to me as the former, and as disturbing and depressing as it was I highly enjoyed it. As far as the paper went, I was excited to be able to write one (it had been my first one of the semester!), however, not as pleased with the choices I was given to write about. They all seemed to have needed much more effort and creativity then I had to extract. It would prove be an interesting and motivating assignment in the end.


1 comment:

  1. You did a great job on your first paper (second draft).
