Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Language of "Week 6"

The "Week 6" Elegy

Week six's time has come to an end

and her busy soul lays to rest

Remember the joys of this dear friend

such as the dramatic poetry test

Think back on National Writing Day

with happiness, not blues

And smile at how paper one

was also, finally due

It is week six we will truly miss

along with Dream Boogie and We Real Cool

Please don't cry over To His Coy Mistress

but remember this week's jewel

Her stories held Ruined Maid and Useful Advice

as well as the precious group leaders

Her Anything Else Cafe replies

are open to the grievers

To a Suicide Bomber was her most memorable trait

as well as her dramatic and lyric poetry

Remember week six and how she was great

in giving our minds such clarity


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