My Week One "plot":
Who: Krista N. Hinton and LIT 2000
What: Week One of Introduction to Literature
When: August 24th and 26th, in the year 2009
Where: Reed Hall, room 144 ; Krista's dorm room desk
Rising Action
- Krista did not fully become aware that LIT 2000 was a hybrid course until the first day of class
- Krista's professor was outrageously outgoing and the class was small; there would definately be some intimacy and shell-breaking happening
- Krista had feelings of panic at the sight of discussion forum one and its assignment
- Krista spent almost her entire evening writing a plot for discussion forum one, but she hated it and did not even understand what she was writing
- Krista deleted the crummy plot and started over fresh - without pressing 'save!' She wanted to create a plot she was proud of and attempted to pull out the barely-existing creativity she harbored in her brain
Falling Action
- She completed a decent assignment
- She found the beauty in the discussion forum - a way to generate ideas and receive praise for her own
- She began thinking of the wordle, "Reuinion," "Happy Endings," and the fact that Cedric was in her class, and liked what she thought
- Krista learned how to do a wordle and about two very interesting and varying pieces of literature
- Krista learned a thing or two about plot that she was not aware of
- Krista began to feel much better about the course; she had a feeling her creativity was going to start blossoming and her panic of the class turned into optimism